Department: Theatre
Description: For licensure. Structured as a program with a series of self-instructional projects, required experiences, formal class meetings, and sequential development evaluations which are to be completed prior to student teaching. Includes 30+ hours of clinical experience. Principles of administering a secondary school theatre program as a learning facilitator, co-curricular director, and theatre professional.
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: National Criminal Background Check required; For Illinois State University lab schools, all teacher candidates must pass the Federal Fingerprint Background Check ($30-$40) as well. Not for credit if earned credit in THE 185. THE 401 is the graduate level substitute for THE 185 as a replacement for TCH 212 and serves as a prerequisite for TCH 216 and TCH 219
Graduate Level Course: This course is approved for graduate credit
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Milner Library 116 (MLB 116)
Instructor: Jimmy Chrismon
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.