Department: Teaching and Learning
Description: This six-credit hour course focuses on fundamental knowledge regarding curricular planning and instructional practices at the secondary level, with a special emphasis on strategies/techniques and resources that support traditional and digital literacies across all content areas. Includes completion of 50 clinical hours in TCH 216aXX (lab).
Credit Hours: 6
Prerequisites: 45 hours completed. Overall GPA of 2.5. Grade of C or better in TCH 212, ENG 101, COM 110, and PSY 215. Criminal Background Check required
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: DeGarmo Hall 024 (DEG 024)
Instructor: To be announced
Class Notes: This is a PDS section in Unit 5
Textbooks are not required for this section.
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: DeGarmo Hall 031 (DEG 031)
Instructor: To be announced
Textbooks are not required for this section.