Department: Teaching and Learning
Description: Organizational structure of American public education; provisions for young adolescent education; understanding the characteristics of the young adolescent student; the role of the teacher of young adolescents. Formerly Middle Level Education And The Young Adolescent. Students must enroll in TCH 233, 296 and 394 in the same semester.
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: TCH 130 taken within seven years
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 10/11/2025
Location: Bloomington Jr High, Blm, IL
Instructor: To be announced
Course Specification: Majors Only
Class Notes: This is an 8-week class, with a hybrid format. Class begins on August 18 and ends on October 11. Class will meet two hours in person a week, and one hour asychronously. Student must register for TCH 296.01 and TCH 394.01.
Textbook Special Instructions: Chardin & Wilhelm available through Milner. Course material subject to change- Please consult with your instructor to confirm required texts.