Department: Military Science
Description: Introduction to leadership from perspective of the member of an effective organization. Self-enhancement skills such as time management techniques, problem solving and decision-making processes, and health enrichment actions. May not be taken as a P/NP (Passing/Not Passing) course option.
Credit Hours: 1
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Schroeder Hall 384 (SCH 384)
Instructor: John Riley
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Schroeder Hall 384 (SCH 384)
Instructor: John Riley
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Schroeder Hall 384 (SCH 384)
Instructor: John Riley
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: John Riley
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Schroeder Hall 384 (SCH 384)
Instructor: John Riley
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.