Department: Teaching and Learning
Description: Promotes understanding of reflective teaching and learning practices in the language arts in the early childhood classroom. Students must enroll in TCH 268, 271, 273 and 292 in the same semester.
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: TCH 210 or TCH 210a01. Completion of a TB test is required
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: DeGarmo Hall 024 (DEG 024)
Instructor: To be announced
Course Specification: Majors Only
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: DeGarmo Hall 024 (DEG 024)
Instructor: To be announced
Course Specification: Majors Only
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Fairchild Hall 311 (FH 311)
Instructor: To be announced
Course Specification: Majors Only
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: DeGarmo Hall 039 (DEG 039)
Instructor: To be announced
Course Specification: Majors Only
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: DeGarmo Hall 020B (DEG 020B)
Instructor: To be announced
Course Specification: Majors Only
Class Notes: This section of TCH 273 is for students pursuing the ECE minor only.