Department: Biological Sciences
Description: Interactions between organisms and their environment at the individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels of organization. Lecture, lab, and field trips.
Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: BSC 196 and 197
Graduation Requirement: SMT - Bachelor of Science Graduation Requirement in Science, Math, and Technology
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: Moulton Hall 214 (MLT 214)
Instructor: Matthew Dugas
Materials Fee: $25.00
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: Jadyn Scott
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: Sylvia Fritz
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: Sylvia Fritz
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: Sydney Romps
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Schroeder Hall 244 (SCH 244)
Instructor: Scott Clem
Materials Fee: $25.00
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: To be announced
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: To be announced
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: To be announced
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: To be announced
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: Science Laboratory Buildi 421 (SLB 421)
Instructor: To be announced