Department: Biological Sciences
Description: Overview of human heredity in the context of biology, society, and culture; impact on treatment of diseases, reproductive technology, agriculture, aging/longevity, and forensics. Not for credit in BSC major.
Credit Hours: 3
General Education: SCMT - Science Mathematics and Technology
Graduation Requirement: SMT - Bachelor of Science Graduation Requirement in Science, Math, and Technology
IAI Code: IAI L1 906 Heredity and Society
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: Felmley Science Annex 133 (FSA 133)
Instructor: Kevin Edwards
Textbook Special Instructions: Students need either the e-text or hardback. Students must have Online Connect Access.
Dates: 05/19/2025 - 06/27/2025
Location: Online
Instructor: Wade Nichols
Class Notes: Asynchronous Online
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.